Ramón Carlín and his crew of rookies were the type of people who inspire the rest of us weekend-warriors, and dreamers to dispel the idea that there are things we can't or shouldn't do, however rational the ideas may be; however challenging the dream may be. These are the people who challenge us to take risks and have fantastic adventures and build a life full of fantastic stories. In 1974, without so much as a a boat, crew, or any sailing experience to speak-of Ramón entered the first Witbread 'Round the World Race. Had his boat Sayula II designed by Sparmkan and Stephens and built by Swan yachts. Against all odds and certainly all speculation by other sailors and the press, Ramón and his crew not only finished the race but they won the race overall. Ramón may have passed, but his stories will live on through the Whitbread documentaries as well as the film "The weekend sailor" narrated by non other than sailor, and Duran Duran front man Simon Le Bon. |
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