The second day of VRC Polar Bear Racing was AMAZING! It was sunny, windy and FUN! The crew were all in a great mood despite having the engine die and having to get a tow out to the course and back. We had a full boat, with a crew compliment of 10, but fortunately we also had the wind to match. It's amazing how well the boat moved in a heavier breeze with 8 people firmly seated on the side trying to keep it from heeling. We went like a freight train upwind, but were somewhat slow on the downwind legs; a direct result of the extra weight aboard. We managed a first place in the first race, loosing line honors by 44 seconds to the very quick Rhumbline. In the second race Rhumbline were fast fast fast and beat us handily. I'm still happy with the 2nd place finish though :)
Why did I have to get a tow in and out you ask?
It would appear I have picked up some contaminated fuel. We were motoring out, and made it just past the fuel dock when the engine turned off. Upon further inspection it was clear that there was a good deal of water in the system. We quickly flagged down a tow, and whilst being towed Jason and I headed below to try to get the engine running. We took lots of water out of the system but then ran out of containment vessels (empty coffee cups). The real kicker is that I filled my car up at the same station and now an obscure indicator light has turned on indicating that there is water in my fuel... carp!
Feeling adventurous and being somewhat mechanically inclined I decided to see if I could figure out how to drain the water out of the system in my car this morning.. I popped open the hood on to reveal a large plastic cover over the engine, the writing on which reads "no user serviceable parts inside do not remove this cover."
The car is now at the mechanic. I'm confident I'll have better luck with the boat this evening!
To see the race schedule and results click here to head over to the VRC Race site!
Why did I have to get a tow in and out you ask?
It would appear I have picked up some contaminated fuel. We were motoring out, and made it just past the fuel dock when the engine turned off. Upon further inspection it was clear that there was a good deal of water in the system. We quickly flagged down a tow, and whilst being towed Jason and I headed below to try to get the engine running. We took lots of water out of the system but then ran out of containment vessels (empty coffee cups). The real kicker is that I filled my car up at the same station and now an obscure indicator light has turned on indicating that there is water in my fuel... carp!
Feeling adventurous and being somewhat mechanically inclined I decided to see if I could figure out how to drain the water out of the system in my car this morning.. I popped open the hood on to reveal a large plastic cover over the engine, the writing on which reads "no user serviceable parts inside do not remove this cover."
The car is now at the mechanic. I'm confident I'll have better luck with the boat this evening!
To see the race schedule and results click here to head over to the VRC Race site!